I’ve Moved & Giveaway Results!

It’s been a sad couple of days, and the only thing that would make me feel better is making someone else smile. With that being said, I’ve been working really hard on my new blog and posted the winner of the giveaway. I hope you’ve enjoyed this blog as much as I have. I wish I could stay, but as I stated before it isn’t practical with my etsy shop. I will keep this blog open, so I can be found at my new location. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your continued support! Much love!!!

If you could please do me a favor, & please follow me at http://candacerose.typepad.com I would greatly appreciate it!

Thank you

In honor of Sgts. Erv Romans, Mark Dunakin, and Dan Sakai. My thoughts and prayers are with your families during this difficult time. Thank you for making the ultimate sacrifice, may you rest in peace. According to reports, (as of this morning) Sgt. Hege is on life support and has been declared brain dead. My thoughts and prayers go out to he and his family as well.


Prayer Request

Last night while watching the news I noticed that there had been an officer shooting in Oakland. It upset me greatly, thinking about the poor families who had lost their dear loved ones, trying to keep us safe. I had no idea that one of my close friends had been affected and was mourning the loss of her step father. I received a message from her today, asking for my prayers and I am in shock and just heartbroken. I can’t help but think of  her poor mother, her brother, step brother, and step sister. I know they say everything happens for a reason, but in this incidence I can’t see how. I am sending my thoughts and prayers to the other families who have been affected by this tragedy. 


Here’s a poem I found on Police Poems in honor of Officer Romans, may you rest in peace.

There’s a reason I cried
When I heard two officers had died
The reality hit hard in the life that we live
To a job where people are asking you to constantly give

Two of the finest today paid the ultimate price
And with pride and honor made their greatest sacrifice
The public has no idea on a day to day, what you went through
And how many lives that are now touched, the killer never knew

How you sometimes went to work, with very little sleep,
Duty and honor, a vow you must keep
And like most cops you were most likely underpaid
But it’s a job you loved, the one for which you were made

To protect and serve, is how you lived your lives
My heart goes out to your now widowed wives
It’s a knock on the door every officer’s spouse fears
And that’s why today my eye’s are filled with tears

Our thoughts and prayers are for the families that will be without
A father, a husband, a brother who will be missed beyond doubt

Heaven called two of your finest home today
A price anyone who loves an officer hopes they will never pay
Lord, Watch over each and every unsung hero we pray
So they can be with the ones they love at the end of their day.


Jenny Peery

Spouse of
Officer Michael Peery ~ K-9 Officer

Cherry Blossoms

I am so excited, I have really great news, and did I mention I am so excited? I will share this coming week. I’m so excited, I’m so excited!!!!!!!!!! Oh my god, I’m alive ahahahhhhahhahahahh <—– me imitating Tatiana from American Idol. Yes, I am this excited. 


“Sometimes our fate resembles a fruit tree in winter. Who would think that those branches would turn green again and blossom, but we hope it, we know it.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Spring Has Sprung!

Happy first day of Spring!

Hopefully the sun will keep shining and the roses will be more beautiful and bountiful than they were last year! 


img_4791Just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snows 
lies the seed 
that with the sun’s love 
in the spring 
becomes the rose 

The Rose written by, Amanda McBroom

Lulu’s Cupcakes

I finally made it to Lulu’s Cupcakes a few weeks ago, and I am so happy that I did! Not only do they have the best cupcakes, but I had a delicious sandwich to boot. Lulu is located in Elk Grove, California (about 20 minutes south of Sacramento) in the heart of Old Town Elk Grove.  They’ve been open a little less than a year, with the owner being a recent high school graduate.  I only wish it’d  been around while I was in high school, and college…I could have envisioned myself studying for hours while eating red velvet cupcake after red velvet cupcake.

Lulu’s Cupcakes

9093 Elk Grove Blvd Ste. 100

Elk Grove, California 95624












I took random pictures! I noticed a crop duster hovering nearby, so grandma and I went for a drive. I managed to get some pretty great shots if I do say so myself. When I got home I saw that the ranunculus were blooming…so off I went to snap those too! 






Hope you have a good night!


I’ll be honest, I don’t usually log onto etsy looking up baby clothes. I don’t have a baby and I venture it’ll be years until I have one of my very own. I will say after seeing the adorable clothing in Connie’s shop, FlipFlopFancy I am hoping everyone I know gives birth to a girl this year, as her clothing is the chicest, fabbest, most glam for little chickadee’s I have ever seen! Am I making up words here? Does chicest or fabbest even exist? If they don’t, I am coining these words for Connie’s shop!

Connie is a stay-at-home mom and Navy wife living in San Diego, California. She has been sewing for years, and has made clothing for friends who encouraged her to create a shop of her own. Connie’s mother-in-law is credited for telling her about etsy, and shall we say….the rest is history.  Her favorite part about sewing is designing. She states ” I love bringing things drawn on paper to life!!” Being a busy mom, and wife, Connie finds time to sew her beautiful creations during her daughter’s nap and at night.

Thank you Connie for participating! Love your shop!

Go Wild

Go Wild

il_430xn56806655Go Wild

Thanks Luphia!

Luphia of Luphia Loves… tagged me a few weeks ago. I’m a horrible person and have not completed this. Sorry girlie!

Here goes:

What are you wearing now? Skinny jeans, pink top and my fav. matiko boots over my jeans.

How often do you blog? Lately, not so much. This will change.

Who was the last person you hugged? My neighbor who came over for dinner.

Which item from your closet are you wearing most lately? My love quotes scarf. I love it!

What’s for dinner? I don’t know the main course, but hopefully some asparagus. For someone who used to hate this veggie, I sure eat it a lot now. I’m making up for lost time!

What’s the last thing you bought? Domino Decor book. The Lil Bee inspired my purchase!

What are you listening to right now? Itunes. Tom Petty, of course!

If you could have any super power, what would it be? I’d be a genie and grant myself a million wishes. I’d go from there.

What is your favorite weather and why? I like to be comfortable, and being comfortable for me is 84 degrees.

What time do you usually get up? Depends on the day, and depends on what time my grandma gets up. If she gets up during the night, I’m up during the night.

What is your most challenging goal right now? Getting things in order. All I need is a chance, I have the skills needed. All I need is a chance, would that be considered a challenge? If so, that’s my goal!

Say something about the person who tagged you? She has an amazing blog, and is a wonderful person. I was on cloud nine when she decided to add me to her blog roll!

If you could have a house- totally paid for, fully furnished-anywhere in the world, where would you want it to be? I would want to live near my mom, she’s my bff. I’d also want to make sure I live near Laura, Lindsay, Kim and Melina. They’re the best girls I know…and I miss them 😦 As far as location, how does San Diego sound? Oh and if any small market news stations happen to check out my blog, I’d love to live anywhere I can find a job 🙂




Favorite Vacation Spot: Lake Tahoe, California and Nevada 🙂 Many happy memories from my childhood were spent here, and it’s just one of the greatest, most beautiful places in the world.

Lake Tahoe near Emerald Bay

Lake Tahoe near Emerald Bay


Name the things you cannot live without: My family, my strength, motivation, my ambitious nature, my textbook over-thinking mind lol, music, my camera, my printer, etsy.

My mom, brother and I.

My mom, brother and I.

Mama, broham, and I karaoking on my day. Oh and my supposed adopted brother. Best birthday so far!

Mama, broham, and I karaoking on my birthday last June. Oh and my supposed adopted brother. Best birthday so far!

What movies can you watch over and over: Christmas Vacation, The Holiday, Wedding Crashers, Beverly Hills Cop, Born In East LA, My Best Friends Wedding (I always hope for a different ending), more!

What is your favorite tea flavor: Chamomile. It’s my legal sedative. Not that I do anything illegal, I’m just saying!

Who are you tagging: These 8 peeps and whoever else wants to participate, cause you all know I wanted to pick you! = )

Love Maegan

Steak & Cakes

Ish and Chi

Pineapple Luv

That Girl Designs

The City Sage

Quaint Handmade


I’m Still Here!

Hey all! I’m in the midst of changes, if I get typepad figured out…I have a name, if I don’t, then it’s back to the drawing board! How has your week been? Hope it’s been well. I appreciate everyone putting such thought into these names, they’re all wonderful! My little brain has been ticking, nonstop….trying to figure out which way I should go. Should I take the typepad route? Should I go back to blogger? I’ve been reading articles on how blogger/wordpress can shut you down if you’re promoting your business on their sites. I’m Catholic, it’s Lent…I can’t risk committing  too many sins during this holy time , and lying cannot be one of them. Why do I have to be such an honest soul? In the words of Kevin from The Office, “I’m a textbook over-thinker!”


That’s Not My Name……Giveaway!

Maybe there’s a reason this song has been in my head for the last week or more? For those of you who don’t know, I’m looking to create a website with:

  • my photos
  • links for locals to purchase bouquets
  • etsy
  • twitter
  • and my new typepad blog

This may come as a surprise to you, but I have grown tired of dolce chic. It’s not that I’m tired of what I do, because I absolutely love it….but I don’t feel as formal as the name sounds. I spent yesterday on domain websites, I looked up dolcechic.com, and come to find out it’s an escort site. My first and last name.com actually belongs to a prostitute, and just about anything I’ve come up with belongs to someone in this industry. I refuse to take this as a sign, I’m a nice Catholic girl, I promise! I do know that everything in my life is serious, and I’m tired of it! I would like a sophisticated name, that is fun, laid back, and cool. When I think of things I like they’re as follows:

  • relaxing
  • tanning
  • photography
  • my home state, California
  • r-e-s-p-e-c-t
  • laughter
  • Glamour
  • uggs, and flip flops
  • my distressed True Religion jeans
  • Everything I have has gold detail (I just noticed as I took a gander at my handbags)
  • Hollywood regency
  • crown moulding
  • Anti-clutter!
  • Pretty chandeliers
  • bamboo chandeliers, and 40’s glamour
  • I’m inspired by quotes…as if you didn’t know
  • my doggie lucy goosie baby floosie
  • sports- especially chucky b, derek jeter, and brett favre
  • my long hair. I used to have my hair cut in an A-line, it was very chic, but I am too lazy to do it…so the easy breezy long hair stays.
  • Vintage turquoise jewelry…..the bigger the better!
  • Listening to the ocean
  • black with gold detail. For instance my black Isabella Fiore handbag with gold studs.
  • Black frames with white matting
  • Gold frames with white matting
  • Elephants
  • Sarcasm…it’s a virtue!
  • My mommy and grandmama

One of my etsy teammates came up with “dolcerose”, I like it but it still seems too formal. I came up with “californiacandi”. I really like that, I checked out C&C California’s website, and it seemed fun, and relaxing. I don’t know what to do? I’m lost, and the added stress of not getting anything done is getting to me! I want to get started with my website, and not having a domain is a struggle. With this being said, I am leaving it up to- – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –


I have decided that I will be giving away one of my prints to the person who picks my new name. I am not putting a deadline on this as I am waiting for the right name!

In the end–you pick the photo in my shop, or if you’ve seen it on flickr, and it’s not in my shop….let me know and I will add it for you!

I’m Chic And Green! :)

Many thanks to Chic and Green for featuring my Milk Glass Mixed Rose Bouquet photo/print on their blog! This has made my day, week, month, and 2009! Thank you, thank you, thank you, I really appreciate it 🙂

Milk Glass Mixed Rose Bouquet- Signed 8.5x11 Print

Milk Glass Mixed Rose Bouquet- Signed 8.5x11 Print

Milk Glass Mixed Rose Bouquet- Signed 8.5×11 Print

Etsy:: Ishandchi

I fell in love with Ish and Chi’s prints a few weeks ago. Viv, the very talented artist of Ish and Chi, is based in Sydney, Australia and recently opened her shop. Her work is gorgeous, and in the perfect soothing pallette. Have a look in her shop, I’m sure you’ll be thrilled you did!

il_430xn59868531Vintage Chandelier- Tiffany Blue

il_430xn598687431Vintage Chandelier- Pink

il_fullxfull58232085Peony Rose

il_430xn57990059Retro Sunburst

Adam Levine’s Pad Craiglisted

For a measly $10,000 a month you could rent Maroon 5 lead singer,  Adam Levine’s Hollywood Hills home. According to TMZ he has posted ads on craiglist in hopes of someone renting his humble 2,000 sq ft. abode. I’m going to get right on that, as long as he’s my roommate!



moby_levine_0011_layer_2_fullMore photos on TMZ


I was tagged by the wonderful, Aartee of Rambling Creativity a few weeks ago, I apologize for not getting it done sooner! 

I just did the questions she did so that’s why the numbering is off:)

2. Where is your significant other? He’s a free agent….hopefully going to Dallas! 

3)Your hair color? Auburn with blonde highlights. My hair is naturally getting lighter.

6. Your favorite thing? Photography, and writing!

7. Your dream last night? I wish it would come true, but it’s too late 😦

8. Your goal? Working in the media, stressing less, spending time doing the things I love, and working more on my photography.

11. Your fear? fear itself.

12. Where do you want to be in six years? Happy, healthy, with my loved ones, successful. Oh yeah, and I want to be working for NBC as a reporter on the Today show, and traveling on Sunday nights as a sideline reporter for Sunday Night Football. Dreams come true! Hopefully I’d have met a nice guy by then! If not, oh well!

13. Where were you last night? At home

14. What you are not? Phony. I loathe phoniness. It’s not who I am, it brings unwanted anxiety…and I don’t need that in my life!

 15. What’s on your wish list? A million more wishes!

16. Where you grew up? In the middle of nowhere in Northern California.

18. What you are wearing? Nothing appealing lol!

21. Your computer? Macbook

22. Your mood? Pretty relaxed 🙂

26. Favorite story? Of Mice And Men, Gilda Radner and Charles Barkley’s autobiographies

27. Your Summer? Keeping my fingers crossed I’ll be in Tahoe in July.

28. Love someone? Lots of people.

29. Your favorite color? Purple

30. When was the last time you laughed? A little while ago. My brother told me that the cat started meowing at him when he was on his computer chair. He got up to see what she wanted, and she jumped on the chair….because that’s what she wanted. 

Laura of Hey Missy

Kate of She’s Lump

Callie of Grayson

Luphia of Luphia Loves…

Dana of Chic Banana

Elizabeth of The Pampered World

Gray Day

It’s a rainy Sunday in Northern California, and I’m dreaming of the day I can afford to live in a place this gorgeous, preferably in an ocean town. I’m thinking Pebble Beach. You’ll recognize me, I’ll be the one with the frizzy locks pulled back, since I’ll have no reason for a flat iron with that ocean air. Hmmmm I may have to rethink this plan of mine…….

Peace Be With You


Spring Daffodil

May today there be peace within.
May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the  infinite  possibilities that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content knowing you are a child of God.
Let this presence settle into your bones and allow  your soul the freedom to sing dance praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of us.

St. Theresa of Lisieux

Overdue Thank You!

I have some thank you’s I need to get out to my dear bloggy friends who have awarded me. My apologies for not getting to this sooner, I feel like such a jerk! I have been in a mood all week, and being gracious is just the medicine I need. Thank you again, I really appreciate it!

If there’s one thing you should know about me, it’s that I never want to hurt anyone’s feelings by not picking them. Heck I never posted the “25 things on facebook” when I was tagged because I didn’t want to hurt anyone by not tagging them.

I’d like to pass each and every award to everyone on my blog roll, and I mean that. You are all so talented, and I appreciate all the effort you put into your blogs! You deserve all the recognition and more. Btw…..I expect to see these on the right or left hand side of your blogs saying they were awarded to you, because they were!!!

Thank you to The Pampered World! 🙂


Muchas gracias a Dana de Chic Banana, en Mexico distrito federal, je je! 🙂


Thank you to Luphia loves! 🙂


Thank you again to Chic Banana! 🙂


Thank you Callie of Grayson! 🙂

Let’s Twitter!

Hey guys, thanks to my wonderful friend, Laura of Hey Missy who motivated me to join twitter…something I’ve been wanting to do for a while. I had another one with my old shop, which I no longer use. If you have twitter, please share your link. If you prefer to email it to me, that’d be fine too!


Trina Turk Home

If you haven’t had a chance to head over to Apartment Therapy, today would be a great day to do so. I fell in love with the decor of this living room, before I even had a chance to look at the headline entailing that Trina Turk, who happens to be one of my favorite designers, will be designing home decor. She is a genius when it comes to color, I cannot wait to see her entire line! On top of that, it appears as though it will be affordable, which is an even greater plus in these poor economic times.

tt1_rect540Trina Turk Home

tt4_rect540Trina Turk Home

Zombie, Zombie, Zombie eh eh eh

Wow, it’s Ash Wednesday a big Catholic day for us. I can’t eat anything but veggies and fruit, but I’m leaning more towards the chocolate since I feel like an itty bitty zombie. Last night at around 10:30 I was watching tv in the family room, when all of a sudden I heard a loud bang, looked outside and saw a bright yellow light. At first I thought God was punishing me after reading what my friend posted on Mother Teresa and how at times she felt as if God wasn’t there for her. Then I thought my neighbor who had been let out of the institution shot his girlfriend, or it could have been the neighbors (aka parents of Lucy goosie’s baby’s daddy) shooting one of their cows. Well, I’ve chosen to believe that The Zodiac did not pay us a visit, but it was a UFO. Whatever it was, I didn’t fall asleep until the wee hours of the morning. Thanks to the Sheriffs who say they’re going to answer their cell phones in case of an emergency, but don’t….makes us country folk without a nearby police station feel real safe.

With that being said, my dog Lucy goosie baby floosie and my cat, Olivia whom I have not introduced formally to the blog are still napping.  To those of you who love my Lucy, and want to see my precious little Olivia Newton John, please do. In the meantime I’m going to try to muster up some energy so I can take down some wallpaper.

Lucy hears the deadbeat dad, barking for her affection. Little does he know, she's fixed! Girls...when will they ever learn?

Lucy hears the deadbeat dad, barking for her affection. Little does he know, she's fixed! Girls...when will they ever learn?

Gardening with mom.

Gardening with mom.

Dirty girl!

Dirty girl!

Lucy loves to swim in the pond......

Lucy loves to swim in the pond......

.....and shake in it too. I thought the whole point was to shake out of the water?

.....and shake in it too. I thought the whole point was to shake out of the water?

My brother took this one...it's too cute not to post. This is Goose when she saw me walking towards the pond. I love my sister!

My brother took this one...it's too cute not to post. This is Goose when she saw me walking towards the pond. I love my sister!

Now to my other Princess Baby….Olive-ia

Did I mention she talks back? She's evil!

Did I mention she talks back? She's evil!

Checking to see if the coast is clear.

Checking to see if the coast is clear.

Getting ready to make a dash for it.

Getting ready to make a dash for it.

And one last thing…before I go, Lucy wants you to have a wonderful rest of your day! I just realized I’m speaking for the dog, I really need some zzzzzzzzzz’s!

Lucy being Lucy....she's such a floosie!

Lucy being Lucy....she's such a floosie!

Oh Happy Day!

Had I stayed on blogger, today would have marked my “blogoversary”. Yes, I have been blogging for an entire year! Woohoo! You poor things who’ve been with me since the get go, and have had to deal with me for a while. Each and every one of you deserves an award for that one! 

For those of you who sell on etsy, landing on the front page is something we all hope to achieve. I was in Etsy Chat tonight when one of my etsy peers, justthebest4u mentioned that there was a way of finding out when we’ve been featured on the front page. About a month ago, I had my suspicions that something had happened since I received about 200 views in a matter of minutes. I wondered what had caused that, when come to find out I was on the front page! I always imagined what it would be like if I happened to just click on etsy, and saw one of my images there. Well, I didn’t get to see it, but I cannot imagine I would have been any more excited than I am right now!

It may not seem like a big deal, but it is to me. I struggled with opening this shop…I didn’t know if my images were good enough, if I was good enough, and how people would react to my work. The reason I felt the need to post this tonight is, a year ago today I got the urge to create a shop on etsy with my scarves. I didn’t know if they’d sell…I left my comfort zone, but tried anyway. I didn’t know how to promote but had read that blogs were a good way to go, so I did that. I was so happy when I got my first reader, and it just grew from there. I am not the same person I was February 24, 2008. Things in my life have changed, I have changed, but one thing is for certain…I have much to thank because of blogging. It’s been my outlet, I’ve come to you for strength, many of you guided me to start this etsy shop I love so much.

For those of you who are apprehensive about starting your own business, or doing something you really want in life….don’t fight it. I love this community, thank you for all you do! I look forward to February 24, 2010, to see how things have changed. I hope you all have a wonderful day, and thanks again. You inspire me!

Happy Week, and possibly Trails

Hello everyone, I hope you are enjoying your weekend! It’s rainy and yucky in Northern California, but that’s okay…I’ve finally gotten a chance to catch up on your blogs. It was a good sales week for me, I sold three prints on etsy:




New Additions:

Waterfall- Horsetail Falls, Lake Tahoe, California

Waterfall- Horsetail Falls, Lake Tahoe, California

Horsetail Falls, Waterfall, Lake Tahoe, California

Mustard Plum Blooms

Mustard Plum Blooms

Mustard Plum Blooms

Mixed Sweet Pea Bouquet

Mixed Sweet Pea Bouquet

Mixed Sweet Pea Bouquet

Turquoise Walnut

Turquoise Walnut

Turquoise Walnut

Mixed Sweet Pea & Rose Bouquet

Mixed Sweet Pea & Rose Bouquet

Mixed Sweet Pea & Rose Bouquet

Trellis Of Eden

Trellis Of Eden

Trellis Of Eden

Pink Variegated Dahlia

Pink Variegated Dahlia

Pink Variegated Dahlia

Norcal Winter Sunset

Norcal Winter Sunset

Norcal Winter Sunset

Birds On The Line

Birds On The Line

Birds On The Line

I have a new project in the works, which I am very excited about. If you’ve purchased any of my prints you know that I include a special *gift.* I will be featuring them this week in my shop, finally! I sold out of them before they arrived on etsy…please stay tuned!

Oh and about the “Possibly trails”…..I feel as if I have overgrown wordpress. I love wordpress very much, but it’s not very practical when running a business. I am not able to post javascript, and that makes it difficult with etsy. I am not sure if I will just transfer everything over to typepad, but I have been thinking about making the move. For $4.95 a month, I can have peace of mind, security…and many more outlets for my blog. I don’t want to keep moving around, but with not being able to make this blog “my own” it’s a struggle. Please feel free to share your input if you’ve made the move over to typepad, or have any ideas. Hope the weekend is going well, and again thank you for being the best peeps I could ask for!

Etsy:: fortytworoads

I found fortytworoads etsy shop earlier in the week, and thought what a great concept, kids LOVE cardboard and playing kitchen. In our household my little kitchen set was my favorite thing to play with, as pretend messes are a lot more fun to clean up. With many parents trying  help the environment, Anna of Fortyworoads has the green light. Oh and did I mention she was on Martha this week? Yes, as in Martha Stewart!

 My mom just happened to be watching Martha a few days ago when she mentioned, “did you see, Martha has a kitchen like the one you showed me?” When I contacted Anna about posting her kitchen, I told her I had seen a similar kitchen on Martha. I had to laugh when I received her reply, as she told me it was her kitchen and that she had been on Martha! 

I am happy I found her shop, she’s ingenious and ahead of her time. Please check it out, I’m sure you’ll be thrilled you did 🙂



il_fullxfull540782451Build A Cardboard Play Kitchen




il_fullxfull47852680Build A Cardboard Play Washer and Dryer

As seen on Hooked On Houses. 

Etsy :: Thirtydash9

I knew when I found Thirtydash9’s etsy shop, that I had to post her special order dog pendants! They’re a great gift for the dog lover in your life, or for yourself! Owner, Jen believes (as do I) that all dogs are photogenic. Her work has been featured in ‘Citydog’ and ‘Bark’ magazine. She creates these one of a kind pendants out of your favorite photo of Fido, and fused glass.

il_fullxfull55984476Make Me One- Fused Glass Pendant

“Little Linus”

Jen is so talented at what she does, she used the first photo for Linus face and body, but used his facial expression from the second photo…making for a truly unique piece.


il_fullxfull49245294Little Linus



I couldn’t leave out my namesake, Candy! What a pretty name for a lovely girl 🙂


Happy Valentines Day!

img_6370Glam Rose Print

Must, bid the Morn awake!
Sad Winter now declines,
Each bird doth choose a mate;
This day’s Saint Valentine’s.
For that good bishop’s sake
Get up and let us see
What beauty it shall be
That Fortune us assigns.
~Michael Drayton

Help, I need somebody

I haven’t gotten very far because I haven’t decided what I am going to do with the walls. Should I leave them white? I originally thought about a light blue or grey with crown moulding, but now that I have decided on my lamp…I am unsure which direction to head? I bought this garbage can about 4 years ago at an Antique fair in Sacramento a few years ago, because I absolutely LOVED it. Yes, I fell in love with a garbage can 😉 I don’t really think the lamp and garbage can “go.” I am officially confused. As you can see, Lucy is very upset about my indecisiveness and does not feel like getting off the bed until I make a decision. No…I have not decided on bedding either. Btw…I have ALWAYS loved Pottery Barn’s black frames with white matting…does that “go” with my lamp, can, and bed? Boohoo. I need Thom Filicia to “Dress My Nest!”

I hadn't mentioned that the floor in my bedroom is stained concrete. There's my prized garbage can! ;)

I hadn't mentioned that the floor in my bedroom is stained concrete. There's my prized garbage can! 😉

My trusty "new" lamp, minus the shade.

My trusty "new" lamp, minus the shade.

As you can tell, Lucy is very upset that nothing has been accomplished. Notice my photo on the wall, and the ricola's on my side table. ;)

As you can tell, Lucy is very upset that nothing has been accomplished. Notice my photo on the wall, and the ricola's on my side table. 😉

Visibly upset! lol

Visibly upset! lol

Don’t Laugh (Updated)

I dare you to watch this hilarious video, 10 Chick Flick cliches you will not see in “He’s Just Not That Into You” and not laugh! FYI- You’re all invited to my wedding when I marry Bradley Cooper. Whatta Man, Whatta Man, Whatta Mighty HOT Man. Ok, I’ll stop drooling.

***The video I had up this morning, became “unavailable”, but I found another user who had uploaded it…so if you tried viewing it this morning, and had no luck, it’s available for the time being 🙂

I love… lamp. I love lamp.

Yes, I said I wasn’t looking to create a bedroom which looked like an antique store or museum, but I fell in love with this lamp, and best of all…it was only $40 at a local antique store. This is the lamp shade that came with it, but I don’t particularly care for it. What do you think? Do you have any ideas for a better lamp shade or where I can find one? Now that I have chosen this lamp, what color do you think I should go with my walls, bedspread, etc? I also don’t want to be stuck with a bedroom that is entirely PINK! I want 40’s glam…right, Callie! 🙂




Handmade In California

Have you heard the news…there’s a new spring gift guide filled with etsy artists from all over California! The Handmade In California website is made up of fabulous artists who are members of the “California Crafters Club Of Etsy”. You can find products that range from jewelry, home decor, fashion, bath and body products…to you name it! What are you waiting for, head on over to this fabulous website! I’m sure you’ll be thrilled you did!!!


Handmade In California