Green Paint Stripper????

I was inspired by Project Ecoart to finally do something about my dresser/parlor. She posted this photo

I have a dresser I had no idea what I was going to do with. It has been in the garage for about a year, because I permanently disfigured it when I tried to strip the paint last year.

I would show you the entire photo but the garage is a disaster. I am on a mission to finish this project and not use it as a storing piece! I had to laugh today, I was looking up green paint strippers. For those of you who have not used paint strippers, they’re quite potent, the smell is awful, and you’re supposed to use goggles and a mask while using it. So today, I decided to do a search on “green paint strippers” and this is what I got:

tip jar stripper shoes

tip jar stripper shoes

tip jar stripper shoes

I mean I know my name is Candi, and I have been teased about my name, and I’m sure you can all imagine what people say….but I REFUSE to take this as a sign! lol